Not many things are as upsetting to a homeowner as discovering that they have a rodent problem. Rats and mice are unsanitary critters, so you definitely do not want them hanging out in your house. Even though rodents in the home are not uncommon, many homeowners know very little about rats and mice. This article takes a look at this crucial pest control issue.


Naturally, if you happen to see a mouse or rat in your home, you know for certain that you have a rodent issue that must be managed. But mice and rats are timid creatures who are wary of humans, so you may never see them even though they are present. If you suspect that rodents might have gotten into your house, look for their droppings. The droppings will look like small brown or dark pellets. Check dusty areas on the floor for any rodent footprints or signs that a rodent tail has disturbed the dust.

Rats and mice both like to gnaw on things, so look for gnawing marks on your baseboards, doors, and cabinets. Also, listen for any scratching sounds, or squeaking behind your walls or in your attic. A musky odor in your house that is hard to get rid of may indicate a rodent problem as well.


The three most common types of rodents found in homes are the common house mouse, the roof rat, and the Norway rat. House mice have small heads with large pointed ears and are typically light brown and gray. The roof rat is slender and gray with large ears. A roof rat will generally weigh about 7 ounces. The Norway rat is the largest of the three species and has a heavy body with a blunt nose. They weigh about 11 ounces.

You might have both species of rats in your house at the same time, but almost never both rats and mice. Norway rats and roof rats do not get along but since they typically infest different areas of the home, it's possible to have both species present. Rats, however, will kill and eat mice, so if you have a rat problem, you probably don't have mice present in the house and vice versa.


Much rodent behavior depends on the season of the year. For example, in the spring rats and mice start breeding, and young rodents might start searching for food. When autumn comes around rodents often look to invade buildings to escape the cold weather. Rodents do not like cold weather so they may try to spend the in your home until spring returns.

If you believe rodents have invaded your house, contact a residential rodent control service in your city.
