If you have noticed yellow or brown patches in your lawn, you might have a problem with cinch bugs. If left untreated, cinch bugs can quickly spread and damage large areas of your lawn.

Watch Out for Cinch Bags

Cinch bugs are small, black bugs with white wings. They have distinctive hourglass-shaped marks on their backs. These insects use a sharp beak to pierce the grass blades and suck out plant juices. They inject a chemical that causes the grass to turn yellow, brown, and eventually die. 

Identifying Cinch Bugs

Cinch bug damage can look similar to drought stress or other lawn diseases, so confirming their presence before applying any treatment is essential. One way to identify cinch bug damage is to look for irregular patches of yellow or brown grass that do not respond to watering. 

Water Your Lawn Frequently 

Cinch bugs do not like moist and cool conditions, so watering your lawn regularly can help deter them and reduce their damage. 

Use Resistant Grass Varieties

Some types of grass are more resistant to cinch bug damage than others. For example, zoysia, bahia, or centipede grass are less susceptible to cinch bug attacks. 

Introduce Predator Insects

Cinch bugs have enemies that can help control their population. These predators include big-eyed bugs, ground beetles, ladybugs, lacewings, and spiders. 

Remove Excess Thatch

Thatch is the ideal habitat for cinch bugs, so removing it can help expose them to predators and reduce their hiding places. A lawn care service can help you with this.

Use Chemical Insecticides

If none of the above methods work, you may need to use chemical insecticides to kill cinch bugs. However, use them as a last resort. 

How to Restore Your Lawn

Once you have eliminated cinch bugs from your lawn, you must repair the damaged areas and restore your lawn's health. The best way to do this is to consult a lawn care service.

Reseed or Sod the Bare Spots

You can reseed or sod the empty areas with a cinch bug-resistant grass variety. Loosen the soil and add fertilizer. Spread the seeds, lay the sod evenly, and press them firmly into the ground. Water them well.

Fertilize Your Lawn

Fertilizing your yard can help it recover faster and grow stronger. Choose a balanced fertilizer. 

Mow Your Lawn Correctly

Mowing regularly and at the right height can help it grow thicker and healthier. The ideal height depends on the grass you have. Mowing too low can stress your lawn and make it more vulnerable to cinch bug damage.

Aerate Your Lawn 

Your yard needs oxygen to help improve the water and nutrient penetration into the soil. This also reduces soil compaction. You can aerate your yard using a manual or powered aerator. 

Cinch bugs are tiny but destructive pests that can ruin your lawn. However, you can eliminate them and enjoy a great yard by working closely with a lawn care service. For more information about lawn services, reach out to a company such as Tri-S Pest Control.
