Wildlife in residential areas can often become a nuisance and may even pose dangers to humans and pets. Wildlife such as raccoons, squirrels, bats, and birds may find their way into your home or garden, causing damage to structures and plants and sometimes even transmitting diseases. It is important to address this issue promptly and effectively to avoid further problems. Below are some essential steps for residential wildlife removal.

Understand the Wildlife

The first step in residential wildlife removal is to understand the wildlife you are dealing with. Different animals have different behaviors, habitats, and ways to enter your home. For example, raccoons are known to be very intelligent and can open latches, while squirrels can enter through small openings and cause damage to your attic. Understanding the wildlife will help you in planning the appropriate removal strategy.

Inspect your Property

Carefully inspect your property to identify any signs of wildlife presence. Look for droppings, tracks, or signs of nesting. Also, inspect your attic, basement, and any other secluded areas where wildlife may take refuge. Pay attention to any holes or openings in your home's structure, as these may be entry points for wildlife.

Implement Exclusion Measures

Exclusion is the most humane and effective method for wildlife removal. This involves sealing off all entry points to your home and making it unattractive for wildlife to enter. For example, you can install chimney caps and screen vents and repair any holes in your roof or siding. Also, make sure to remove any food sources from your property, such as pet food or bird feeders.

Use Humane Traps

If exclusion measures are not enough, you may need to use humane traps to remove the wildlife from your property. There are different types of traps available, such as cage traps or one-way door traps. Make sure to check the traps regularly and release the captured animals in a suitable habitat far away from your home.

Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, wildlife removal can be a challenging task, especially for larger or aggressive animals. In such cases, it may be best to seek professional help. Professional wildlife removal services have the experience and equipment necessary to remove wildlife safely and humanely.

Residential wildlife removal is essential for maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment. Understanding the wildlife, inspecting your property, implementing exclusion measures, using humane traps, and seeking professional help are key steps in the process. Remember to act promptly and handle wildlife with care and respect

For more information on residential wildlife removal in your area, contact a company near you.
